BCA Staff Details

Bryan Tebeau
Social Studies Subject Area Specialist
Most people call Bryan Tebeau by his last name (pronounced Tēbō), or Teebs. Bryan is a lifetime PNW boy, moving from Washington to Oregon to attend Linfield. He met his wife, Mary, there and they have lived in Oregon since. They have two sons: Jackson (23) is an electrician, and Grant (18) who just graduated high school. Bryan and Mary have been married 32 years, which he says, “qualifies her for sainthood”.
Bryan just completed his 30th year in education. Twenty three were at the high school level as a social studies teacher, and a brief stint as a vice principal. He went back to the classroom after 2 years of admin and decided to try his hand at middle school, which he truly enjoyed.
Bryan believes in education and how inspiring it can be when students are confronted with challenging and thought provoking work. Bryan is very excited to join this team who want to do their best to help kids become their best.