** Board meetings are generally held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 1pm **
BCA Board Information
Bridge Charter Academy is governed by an independent board. Our board members bring the skills, perspectives and experiences to help us achieve our goals. 📄 Board Meeting Agenda PDF links are posted below. You can find Zoom login information and Phone number at the top of the PDF if you would like to join. 🗓 Board Meetings are scheduled the 3rd Monday of each month at 1pm. Board meeting minutes are available upon request. 👉 If you have a complaint, you can access the Lowell School District Public Complaint form HERE. ℹ️ Please contact Rachel Yesser at ryesser@bridgecharter.com for any questions, requests or public comment.
Maureen Weathers - Board President, mweathers@bridgecharter.com
Rachel Yesser - Board Secretary, ryesser@bridgecharter.com
Elan Buendia, ebuendia@bridgecharter.com
Emily McFadden, emcfadden@bridgecharter.com
Annie Greig, anniegreig@bridgecharter.com
Meeting Agendas

BCA Board Meeting Agendas | Link to Agenda (PDF) |
2025: 2/10 Board Meeting | https://69db4bb5-aa8a-4593-92d4-c92545f9e574.usrfiles.com/ugd/69db4b_8370bc29858c41ae87d6fba0d1582130.pdf |
2025: 1/13 Board Meeting | https://69db4bb5-aa8a-4593-92d4-c92545f9e574.usrfiles.com/ugd/69db4b_e4874395c8784958ab0649d935a2b9ae.pdf |
2024: 11/18 Board Meeting | https://69db4bb5-aa8a-4593-92d4-c92545f9e574.usrfiles.com/ugd/69db4b_438da3823a3b410596a10edb4f873fd1.pdf |
2024: 10/21 Board Meeting | https://69db4bb5-aa8a-4593-92d4-c92545f9e574.usrfiles.com/ugd/69db4b_58eaeb50ed5a4f34b988ed2fd4f72bde.pdf |
2024: 9/16 Board Meeting | https://69db4bb5-aa8a-4593-92d4-c92545f9e574.usrfiles.com/ugd/69db4b_de0ac98f05a74db48f519b940b4194ec.pdf |
2024: 8/19 Board Meeting | https://69db4bb5-aa8a-4593-92d4-c92545f9e574.usrfiles.com/ugd/69db4b_2948d924276546ca8196d41a797bc370.pdf |